
Simplifying Patients’ Treatment Journey through Access to Diagnosis Solutions

Access to Diagnosis is just the first step in the 360-degree support that a patient needs during their entire treatment journey

24th November 2023

Diagnosis is complex and greatly affects a patient’s treatment journey. Imagine a healthcare journey where patients swiftly move from suspected to confirmed diagnosis, reaping the benefits of early diagnosis and minimal misdiagnoses, where barriers to access no longer exist. This vision is at the heart of Axios International's groundbreaking intervention, “Access to Diagnosis Solutions.”

Access to Diagnosis Solutions: Navigating the Patient Diagnosis Journey

Diagnosis in the medical world is correctly identifying a problem a patient is suffering from. Access to diagnosis solutions is important for smooth and timely patient recovery.  When an individual suspects a medical condition, their path to diagnosis and treatment often compares to a maze of challenges. However, it is important to remember that Access to Diagnosis is just the first step in the 360-degree support that a patient needs during their entire treatment journey. Patients with access to solutions that detect and identify health issues, minimizing misdiagnoses, can better navigate the journey to receive the right support for timely recovery. ​Lack of awareness about diseases, delays in sharing diagnosis information with primary care physicians, complicated referral processes, and financial barriers can create challenging obstacles that increase the time taken to identify a disease before it has progressed too far.

As an example of a lung cancer scenario drawn up by Axios International of diseases like lung cancer, late diagnosis is a grave concern. Analyzing the situation, Axios International notes that many patients only receive a diagnosis when the disease has already advanced, making successful treatment less likely. The period from diagnosis to treatment initiation can stretch beyond six months, causing significant complications. This issue also extends to patients with Neuroendocrine tumors (NET), where more than 80% of cases are initially misdiagnosed, and high treatment costs are a major burden.

To address these challenges, Axios partners with multi-stakeholders, healthcare providers, hospitals, and other players in the scope of healthcare to create programs to shorten both the diagnosis timeline and the duration between identifying the health issue and the start of treatment.

Axios International's Access to Diagnosis Solutions are designed to support short- and long-term patient and healthcare system needs. Short-term needs enhance patient access to fast and confirmed diagnosis, and this involves identifying problems with affordability and promoting quicker and easier access to necessary treatments.​ Long-term needs focus on barriers in the healthcare system through increased awareness of specific, rare, and chronic diseases among patients and through combined efforts with healthcare professionals. The more people are aware of possible health issues through awareness, the easier it is to ensure a smooth patient journey from start to end. 

Educating People about Diseases

Awareness is the first step to early diagnosis. By understanding diseases and their diagnosis and treatment, individuals will have the right knowledge to seek early diagnosis and immediate treatment. Targeted disease awareness campaigns are strategic initiatives to inform and educate specific groups or communities about a particular health condition. These campaigns are designed with lots of thought and detail and shared with communities to guarantee that information reaches the intended audience effectively. 

Axios follows two models to educate people - one through awareness campaigns and the second through a targeted reach to the patient. Axios holds disease awareness campaigns to educate the public, patients, and caregivers, with the support of healthcare providers.  We ensure our campaigns communicate the facts about the disease, its symptoms, risk factors, and available preventive measures and treatments. We also reach out to patients individually to understand their needs and develop personalized educational plans for them.

Benefits of Disease Awareness Initiatives

One of the primary goals of these campaigns is to promote early detection. Educating communities about the signs and symptoms of specific diseases makes individuals more likely to seek medical attention at the first hint of a problem.

In some cases, diseases are associated with social stigma. Targeted disease awareness campaigns work to eliminate myths and misconceptions, reducing the stigma and discrimination often faced by affected individuals.

In essence, targeted disease awareness campaigns give control to communities by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health. By understanding the disease better, individuals can take control of their well-being and access the care and support they require.

Financial Assistance for Patients 

We all know that healthcare can be financially burdensome. Diagnosis tests are only the beginning. From the start, some patients worry about the type of treatment cost and support they may not be able to receive and delay the diagnosis. Thus, the costs associated with diagnostic tests can be a significant barrier to healthcare access, often leading to multiple challenges. Enabling patients, therefore, in their patient journey is key.

Financial constraints can lead to patients delaying or not undertaking diagnostic tests. These worries about paying for diagnostic tests can also add emotional stress to individuals already dealing with health concerns. Lastly, patients may not fully stick to recommended diagnostic testing steps when they are concerned about the costs involved. This can lead to incomplete or inaccurate medical assessments.

Financial Support by Axios International-Partnered PAPs

With the partnership of stakeholders, Axios financially supports patients for diagnostic tests through its Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs), ensuring patients can access the care they need when needed. 

We make sure that patients are fully aware of the support available to them, how it works, and any associated terms and conditions. Transparency builds trust and empowers patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

Journey Management 

Navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming. Specialist referrals, test results, and payments - it's a lot to juggle when you're already dealing with health concerns. However, patients must have support throughout their journey, even if the disease was detected early. Axios International is a guide and a support system, helping patients smoothly manage their journey from referrals to understanding results and supporting the patient financially as per their need for tests. It's a patient-centric approach, putting the needs and concerns of patients at the forefront. 

One of Axios International's key strategies is to create a network of support for patients. By engaging healthcare professionals and medical societies, we assemble a dedicated team focused on increasing the rate of early patient diagnosis for a more effective and timely treatment journey.

Transcending Barriers to Early Diagnosis

Sometimes, transport, distance, and location barriers can block your path to a diagnosis. Transportation issues, for instance, can make it difficult to reach a healthcare facility. Not everyone lives near a healthcare facility or has the means to travel for medical check-ups. Axios International takes the initiative to organize screening events and interventions, making the process more accessible for everyone. Screening events and interventions bridge this gap by directly bringing healthcare professionals and services to the communities that need them most. Instead of you going to a diagnosis facility, the diagnosis process is brought to your doorstep.

For example, screening events are proactive in nature. They are designed to detect health issues at an early stage when treatment is often more effective. Many individuals are not aware of the health risks they face. These screening events and interventions often include educational parts that inform communities about the importance of regular check-ups, recognizing symptoms, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By raising disease awareness, these initiatives give patients the power to take control of their health and seek medical assistance when necessary.

We design these organized activities to identify health issues early on and provide assistance, particularly for those who might face barriers in accessing healthcare. You don't have to overcome these barriers alone; Axios patient care liaisons and access specialists are your partners in health.

The Impact and Benefits of Access to Diagnosis Solutions

Improving access to timely diagnosis is not just crucial for patients; it has a far-reaching impact on healthcare outcomes as well. The sooner a condition is diagnosed, the earlier treatment can begin. Early intervention often leads to more effective treatments. In conditions like cancer, where early detection is important, a patient's chances of recovery can dramatically increase.

Overall, this type of patient-centric approach aims to provide compassionate and individualized care. We enable better communication between patients and healthcare providers and encourage patients to participate in informed decision-making regarding their treatment. Understanding the situation and the treatment plan helps patients to manage their emotional well-being.

On the other hand, this improved access to diagnoses prevents patients from reaching advanced stages of diseases, thereby, reducing the burden on the healthcare system. Fewer complications mean fewer emergency admissions and specialized care requirements. A healthcare system that emphasizes timely diagnoses can allocate its resources more efficiently, focusing on early interventions and preventive care.

Considering the above benefits to the healthcare ecosystem, Axios International has created a significant impact through Access to Diagnosis Solutions. Thanks to these interventions in the UAE, among many other countries that Axios operates, lung cancer, Hepatitis C, and rare diseases patients are increasingly aware of the solutions. Pulmonologists and oncologists actively engage with patients, creating greater disease awareness.

Similarly, in the case of Neuroendocrine tumors (NET), Axios International's program has made a remarkable difference. By improving disease awareness and shortening the time to confirm diagnosis, more patients now have a fighting chance against this challenging disease.

In a world where early diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential, Axios International is pivotal in simplifying the patient's treatment journey. By addressing barriers, increasing awareness, and offering unwavering support, they are transforming healthcare outcomes and ensuring that more patients receive the timely care they deserve.

The journey to early diagnosis and efficient treatment can be significantly enhanced with Axios International's Access to Diagnosis Solutions. Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals and patients and their caregivers have benefitted from this transformative approach that helps reach a confirmed diagnosis faster, minimizes incorrect diagnoses, and smoothly completes the patient journey. It's not just about timely diagnoses; it's about better personal health outcomes and a healthier healthcare system.

With Axios’ specialized solutions to improve early diagnosis and its consequent advantages, the healthcare ecosystem is one step closer to building a future that leaves no patient neglected.