
Episode 1: The Importance of Accessible and Sustainable Healthcare

We are excited to launch the Health Access Now podcast specifically focused on overcoming the age-old problem of access to healthcare. It’s time we flip the situation on its head and explore new ideas that will help overcome barriers once and for all. In the following few episodes, it is our honor to have Dr. Joseph Saba, CEO of AXIOS, as the guest on Health Access Now.

In the following few episodes, it is our honor to have Dr. Joseph Saba, CEO of AXIOS, as the guest on Health Access Now.

Since the very early days of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Dr. Saba has been providing access to innovative healthcare solutions for those in need.

Tune in to hear Dr. Saba talk about:

  • What is access to healthcare
  • How was Axios founded
  • Learnings from the early days incorporated in today’s strategy
  • The future of access to healthcare.