Strong Adherence To Treatment Support Since 1997 » Axios

Adherence to Treatment Support

Personalized support to help patients adhere to treatment.


Given that each patient journey is unique, Axios’ adherence to treatment programs are designed to address patient challenges in a personalized way to help them stay on treatment and get the most out of their medication.
Personalized Needs Assessment

Using Axios proprietary Patients Needs Assessment Tool (PNAT), patients undergo a personalized assessment to identify potential barriers preventing them from achieving maximum medical benefit from treatment. PNAT was built around the five dimensions of adherence set by the World Health Organization (WHO). It uses a qualitative and semi-quantitative questionnaire to identify and document individual patient risk factors and apprehensions that may lead to poor adherence or discontinuation of treatment.

Adherence Support

Results of the assessment are used to develop a personalized support plan for the patient based on their unique needs. These plans can include interventions like disease and treatment education, emotional support services, quality of life services, insurance coordination and remote care services.

Axios International ensures adherence to treatment by using the proprietary Patients Needs Assessment Tool (PNAT), patients undergo a personalized assessment to identify potential barriers preventing them from achieving maximum medical benefit from treatment. PNAT customizes services to each patient, increasing adherence, engagement and program cost-efficiency.

Strong Adherence To Treatment Support Since 1997 » Axios
Sawsan Alshurafa
Adherence Lead, MENA
Patient Needs Assessment Tool (PNAT)

PNAT is used in Axios’ patient support programs to assess the risk factors that could lead the patient to stop treatment and helps determine the most effective adherence interventions for that particular patient based on his/her identified risk factors. PNAT was built around the five dimensions of adherence set by the World Health Organization (WHO). It uses a qualitative and semi-quantitative questionnaire to identify and document individual patient risk factors and apprehensions that may lead to poor adherence or discontinuation of treatment. The results are then used to develop a personalized adherence plan targeting these risk factors to support patients in their treatment journey and maximize medical benefit from treatment. Read more in the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research.

Over 2,000 patients have been assessed using the PNAT tool across four countries and nine disease areas.

Experience and Case Studies